Grovskopa - Exclusive Mix For Electronic Explorations

pěkné techno se spoustou techno klasik.
- [01] - (00:00) - Grovskopa - Sex and Violins (Original Mix)
- [02] - (01:35) - Moderat - Sea Monkey
- [03] - (04:45) - Ade Fenton - Atomic Jam (Ben Long Remix)
- [04] - (08:44) - Michaelangelo - Transmutate
- [05] - (10:09) - Planetary Assault Systems - Mod
- [06] - (16:12) - Len Faki - DX 3
- [07] - (18:17) - Mighty Thor - Riddles (Sub Space Remix)
- [08] - (21:17) - The Advent Vs Industrializer - High Octane
- [09] - (23:09) - Grovskopa - Sex and Violins (Surgeon Remix)
- Grovskopa - Exclusive Mix for “ELECTRONIC EXPLORATIONS”
- [01] - Ochre - Revolver - [Toytronic - TOY19LP]
- [02] - Davor O. - Transitional Objects - [Freefloating Music - FFEP01]
- [03] - D. Dozzy & Nuel - Untitled - [Aquaplano - AQUAPLANO000]
- [04] - Hardcell - Neo Acid - [Drumcode - DC49]
- [05] - One - Deep Thought - [Kontra-Musik - KM003]
- [06] - The Black Dog - Train By The Autobahn Part 3 - [Soma - SOMA248]
- [07] - Dark Comedy - Plankton - [Art Of Dance - ART-2003]
- [08] - Dustin Zahn - From Above - [Truesoul - TRUE1219]
- [09] - Redshape - Blood Into Dust - [Styrax Leaves - STRXLEAVES09.5]
- [10] - Dettmann | Klock - Places Like This - [Ostgut Tonträger - O-TON11]
- [11] - G-Man - Fuchsia - [Defrag Sound Processing - DFRG_07]
- [12] - Shed - The Lower Upside Down (Surgeon Remix) - [Ostgut Tonträger - O-TON20]
- [13] - B12 - Magnetic Fields - [B12 - B1216]
- [14] - Outlander - Vamp - [R&S - RSUK1]
- [15] - Redshape - Robot - [Music Man - MM140]
- [16] - Rory St. John - Dysentery - [Mantrap - MANTRAP003]
- [17] - Grovskopa - Atopic (Victor Martinez Remix) - [CDr]
- [18] - Grovskopa - Atopic - [Sect - SECT005]
- [19] - Arovane - Leev - [[FWD: - FWD9901]
- [20] - Grovskopa - He Cannot Hear Us - [Abiotic - ABAID003]
- [21] - The Prodigy - Thunder - [Take Me To The Hospital - HOSPSAMP001]
- [22] - Grovskopa - Skinstrumental - [Sect - SECT005]
- [23] - STP - The Fall (Peverelist Remix) - [Subsolo - SUB004]
- [24] - Jolka - Convection - [Sect - SECT006]
- [25] - Murcof - Memoria (Sutekh’s Trisagion Mix) - [Leaf - DOCK40]
- [26] - Dark Comedy - Clavia’s North - [Art Of Dance - ART-2003]
- [27] - Voidloss - Dominion - [Singularity - SIN003]
- [28] - Sys-ex - Dissolved Worlds - [CDr]
- [29] - James T. Cotton - Beat Ya - [Spectral Sound - SPC-09]
- [30] - Rennie Foster - Devil’s Reprise - [Rebirth - REB020]
- [31] - EQD - Untitled B - [Equalized - EQD002]
- 21.03.2009 (211 MB)