Sven Vath - live @ Sensation (2000)

old scool techno set od Svena Vatha.
- 01 [00:00] Sven Väth - Ein Waggon Voller Geschichten (Terence Fixmer Remix) [Virgin Schallplatten - 8 96839 6]
- 02 [08:17] Terence Fixmer - Rage [Gigolo - 38]
- 03 [14:02] Electric Deluxe - Electric Deluxe [Plus 8 - PLUS 8072]
- 04 [20:03] Alter Ego - Betty Ford [Klang Elektronik - KLANG 38]
- 05 [25:15] Luke Slater - Body Freefall, Electronic Inform (Needle Damage Mix) [Novamute - 12 NOMU 075]
- 06 [30:03] James Ruskin - Version [Tresor - 145]
- 07 [33:17] Marco Carola & Adam Beyer - Combined Force [Zenit - 4]
- 08 [38:38] Rue East vs Ben Sims - Of A Kind [Pure Plastic - PP 029]
- 09 [41:49] Joey Beltram - The Start It Up (Technasia Remix) [Glass Splinters - GLASS 001]
- 10 [46:21] G-Force - S.E.L.F [Genetic - GEN 1202]
- 11 [51:29] Gaetano Parisio - Dub Pistol [Zenit - 7]
- 12 [55:48] Takkyu Ishino - Feeling [Exceptional - EXEC 04]
- 13 [60:14] Oliver Ho & James Ruskin - Mutate & Survive (A1) [Meta - 10]
- 14 [64:03] Steve Stoll - Buck Fifty [Music Man - MMLP 08]
- 15 [68:28] Claude Young - Ghost [Deta - 001]
- 16 [72:22] Fanon Flowers - Never Enough [Konsequent - KSQ 010]
- 17 [76:45] Josh Wink & Lil Louis - Hows Your Evening So Far? [Ovum - OVM 125]
- 18 [85:02] Scorp - Crashed At The End [Scorp - 003]