Datum konání:
31.05.2013 - pátek
Místo konání:
Praha - Yes Club
Tomy DeClerque (SVN), TBA
start 20:00
Tomy DeClerque: "Valentino Kanzyani & Umek will always remain the pillow for all Slovenian DJs to come!"

Tomy, the first question to you is: what time you woke up today and what you had for breakfast?

Hmmm... Let´s see - it’s sunday and I just woke up. It´s 14:15... No breakfast yet. :) Answering the interwiew right away...

Having breakfast regularly? Did you know that this is the most important meal of the day?

Yes, every day... I need my coffee in the morning but not on empty stomach, so breakfast is a must.

Tomy DeClerque

How did looks like your average day, what do you do first?

Woke up, check mail on my phone with one eye still closed, slowly move to the kitchen, breakfast, coffee, shower, studio... Then it depends on a day what I do in a studio and when (if) I go to launch (sometimes I just simply forget) and so on...

I remember, when you were here first, no one knew much about it, played at the after party after the show "Erotica and sex", there were about 40 people and it was pretty special, remember?

Ha ha ha, yes we can say that: it was "special". I think I will never forget that one... :)

Tomy DeClerque

Were you a look behind the scenes of the show? You know that there were really bizarre machines to satisfaction women and men?

We haven´t been at the show. We just arrived to the after party and we were sure that it will be a great party with lots of people after an erotic show... But something obviously went wrong in the organization of the party so there were not lot of people.

Anyway, on the other your performances have been far more pleasant memories, you certainly have. Christmas Party in Pardubice! What do you actually get for Christmas?

Lot of small things from different people. Every gift is special from the person you get it...

I'm interested in it too much when you get to play when you first knew you wanted to be a DJ and play?

When I was 16, I was first time in the club and was fascinated on how 1 person controls the crowd... I started almost a week later to get informed on what I need, what is what and so on. Later on I started to play at school dances, but when I was 18 I was already a resident in best club nearby.

Was it hard to succeed in Slovenia as a DJ? What competition is there?

I don't look at this as a competition or success. I do it because I love it in the first place. If people like it and they have fun when I play, I did my job well. I also think that Valentino Kanzyani & Umek will always remain the pillow for all Slovenian DJs to come.

Do you cooperate with Umek lot, right? Last time I asked him whether you have great friends and spoke very nicely about you...

Yes! It´s always great to work with people like him as he have so much experience after all these years of playing around the world and so many stories to tell about the scene and everything. Also he is a very good observer and have this touch in listening a track for few seconds and he knows if the track have potential to be a hit track or not.

What are your hobbies outside of electronic dance music?

Now I just started to learn a bit of video production, but I´m just at the beginning, trying to understand it all, from recording to lighting to post production and so on.

What would you like to do, or what would you be doing if you were not a DJ and producer?

I don't know as I like to do lot of things , but for sure something creative to not get borred... :)

Tomy DeClerque

Do you prefer when you play for people or when you are creating in the studio on yours tracks and still nothing disturb you?

Hmmm... I produce tracks in my studio so I can play them for the people ad my fans in the club. These 2 things are very connected nowadays. Also u need to play to the crowd to see the reaction, so u know what people like and have this in mind when you produce in the studio. U still need the creativity to get wild. :)

Is something you would never do as a DJ? Could you, for example, for a large fee make some music with someone like Justin Bieber?

It´s not about the fee, it´s about the final product. If the track would be good and I would be satisfied with the overall work, than, why not? But I would never put my name under something I don´t like! I like lot of different music not just certain music style. Also for example I’m a big fan of Daft Punk, but I´m a bit disappointed of the new track with Pharrell Williams. For me, the track is to avarage, to be done by a name as Daft Punk & Pharrell Williams.

What do you think about DJs who let someone else do the tracks and issued for their?

What U think about rock bands which call profesional musicians to play the instrument when they record a track in the studio? Is the same thing but not many people know about it. Some people are not good in computers and programs, so if they call someone to do it for them, but they still tell what need to be done, it means the track is still from their mind and their ideas, so we can say they "produce it". I´m happy to understand what I´m doing, so I can do things by my own. ;)

Tomy DeClerque
What do you consider to be your greatest success in life, both as a DJ and as a person... :)

To do what I love... To wake up in the morning and don’t have the bad feeling. I have to do something I really don´t like...

What do you like to drink at a party in the club?

2x vodka + Red Bull or 3x Havana + cola. After that water but sometimes well. I forget to count, so... :)

I hope you are looking forward to the Prague clubbers, we can do quite a good atmosphere in the club, you have a message for us?

Just be yourself and have fun!

Thanks for your time, Tomy, and we'll see you at the Yes! club - May 31!

2x vodka + Red Bull and... Ha ha ha, see you soon!



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